Our Services

Simplicity with a 'C'

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"I've seen at every level people who are very good at describing problems, people who are very sophisticated in explaining why something went wrong or why something can't get fixed, but what I'm always looking for is, no matter how small the problem or how big it is, somebody who says, 'Let me take care of that'."

- Obama

We help you get unstuck

vCISO Services
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Advisory Board Services Stream

Our Advisory board stream is broken down into three main offerings.


Project Advisory Boards

  • Who do we cover: Organisations of any size, anywhere, seeking to focus on a specific need or project.
  • Our role on your board: We offer external guidance for a specific project.
  • Our expertise: We bring diverse knowledge to assist in decision-making, problem-solving, and project success.
  • How we collaborate: We works closely with project stakeholders to achieve project objectives.
  • How long can this take: This is normally for short term projects
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Business Advisory Boards

Catering to startups, small family businesses and medium sized organisations.

  • Who do we cover: We are currently limited to not-for-profit, universities and specific government initiatives for now
  • How we advise: We provide external guidance for diverse organizations or projects around Southern Africa.
  • What we provide: We assist in decision-making driven by varied goals, such as social impact, community development, or education.
  • Our Community Engagement: We work to represent and address the interests of a diverse set of community members or beneficiaries within our region.
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Non-Corporate Advisory Boards 

Currently limited to not-for-profit, universities and governments for now. 

  • Who do we cover: Catering to startups, small family businesses and medium sized organisations.
  • Our role on your board: We offer external guidance to align projects with your businesses goals and strategies
  • Our expertise and insight: We bring expertise influenced by our vast experience and your unique bsuienss priorities, financial considerations, and policies.
  • ○How we collaborate: We will assit you in addressing the interests of your shareholders, investors and employees within your business framework.
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Roundtable & Training Facilitation​ Stream

CyberSecurity training, awareness
Executive training
Events & Conferences
Learning and Development
HR and Management Reporting
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